Monday, 16 August 2010

Maree's at it again.... A hat-tick....

Belper Rugby Rover 30k Run Derbyshire 15 August

A Challenging multi terrain route starting and finishing at Belper Rugby Club. The route uses public footpaths, including parts of the Mid Shires Way & Derwent Valley Walk, bridle ways, Roman roads, minor roads, through ancient woodlands, offering far reaching views over the Derwent and Trent valley's.

In Maree’s quest to find hard, quirky races, she landed on a real gem here. This was hard as nails with pretty much everything going on. She was charged by a cow, fell and slid 10 yards on her knees through 8 inch thick mud, had to negotiate many stiles, gates, walls (got ankles stuck in one), managed some pretty tough climbs, negotiated some break-neck downhill sections and avoid the temptation to have a glass of wine after because, she was the driver home, her comrades took advantage as usual and had pints to their relieve pain!

Maree worked through the field she was 6th to start off with, in the last half mile from 4th to 3rd, a podium finish! A time of 2hr 30 and 22 secs.

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