Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Moulton 10K Report...

A record number of finishers completed the Moulton 10K on Sunday 28th August as the bank holiday rain just about held off.  Runners from all over the country filled up the 300 place limit race which takes in some of Northamptonshire’s finest countryside around Moulton and Pitsford and includes the iconic Spectacle Lane ford crossing.  After a false start cause by the starter’s faulty claxon, the only minor hiccup of the day, the race was underway.
The overall winner was Jamie Loxam from Stockport Harriers who was the only entrant to take a tumble in the shallow water crossing but he dusted himself off to record a time of 34:10.  He was later seen smiling and sporting a few minro cuts and grazes.  Wootton Road Runners’ Steve Poole chased home in second in 34:56 with Jonathan Goringe from Kettering Town Harriers finished third (35:05).  Rugby & Northampton’s Stuart Nelson (35:34) and Marshall Milton Keynes’ Tom Comerford (35:42) completed the top five.

Danny Keating from Leicester Coritanian won the MV40 category, Lazloe Bowden from Wootton Road Runners claimed the MV50 prize in 36:38 and Keith Moreman of Daventry Road Runners was the first MV60 in 43:49. 

Jane Ovington from Marshall Milton Keynes won the ladies race in 37:53 with Maree Jesson of Rugby & Northampton second in 41:15.  Ruth Watson from Sale Harriers was a close third in 41:53.  Angela Copson added another trophy to her collection winning the LV55 category in 42:04.  The junior’s winner was Luke Robinson of Rugby & Northampton in 37:41.

A mass contingent of 36 runners made the short trip from Wellingborough & District AC.  Jon Kemp was first home for the club in 38:05 and James Berry and Roger Bullen enjoyed good runs with 41:08 and 41:59 finishes.  Natsaha Wain and Bryna Holmes were their first lady finishers in 46:01 and 46:02 respectively.

The biggest cheer of the day was saved for Maria Peralta who was the final runner to cross the line with the encouragement of an enthusiastic marshal.  The MK Lakeside Runners was full of smiles at recording a PB in 77:16 and was rewarded with an extra slice of homemade cake for her efforts.

The host club Northampton Road Runners committed most of their members and family friends to marshalling and helping out on the day.  Three runners did however complete the challenge.  Alan Burgess, who lives in France, returned to familiar surroundings and finished in 47:39.  Richard Rose made his course debut in 61:21 and Terri Davison finished in 74:22.  The club would like to thank everyone who helped out making the race a huge success yet again.  Already the club has been flooded with comments and emails praising the organisation and friendliness of the day.

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