Monday, 30 July 2012

Wellingborough Five

The fast, flat and friendly Wellingborough Five is normally run is extreme temperatures making the possibility of a PB all that bit harder but this year's event greeted runners with a downpour as the horn sounded the start of the race.  A fast dash along the "Mad Mile" before a sharp left turn towards Sywell then left again after mile two into Mears Ashby village.  Competitors grab a quick refreshment before the the second very slight climb and then it's the loop back to the finish at the Old Grammarians.  The final few hundred yards swap tarmac for grass as those who can look up from the sprint finish can grab a glance of the ongoing cricket match on the green.

Northampton Road Runners are normally well represented and that man, Danson Njoka racked up another impressive time of 27:20.  Rosanna ANDREWS also added to her trophy cabinet again finishing second female overall in 31:50.

Mark Kennedy grabbed a PB with his fastest five miler for three years in 33:29.  Penny ANDREWS was third female vet in 35:50.  Martin ANDREWS was next to finish in 36:43 just ahead of Tom SULLIVAN in 36:59.

Jon Dilworth crossed the line in 40:55 and Mick CLARKE in 43:19 just ahead of Natalie ABRAHAM in 43:39.  Richard Rose also recorded a five mile PB in 46:59 and Pauline HORNE came home in 49:34.

5 Danson Njoka Male 27:20
42 Rosanna ANDREWS 31:50 2nd Female Overall
67 Mark Kennedy 33:29 PB
99 Penny ANDREWS 35:50 99 3 Female Vet
120 Martin ANDREWS 36:43
124 Tom SULLIVAN 36:59
172 Jon Dilworth 40:55
205 Mick CLARKE 43:19
210 Natalie ABRAHAM 43:39
231 Richard Rose 46:59 PB
253 Pauline HORNE 49:34 

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